Concrete block has been used as a building material for more than a century. In Kenya, concrete block is also a common building material frequently used in home construction. Generally, concrete blocks are fabricated using products such as Portland cement, different aggregates such as stone or quartz, and water. The chances are also high that you've seen many concrete block homes that don't look like they're made out of concrete block because of their external facings or coverings. A concrete block is referred to as a concrete masonry unit, or CMU, in the construction industry. Concrete blocks can be solid or hollow, with two or three cores or voids, depending on the Block Making Machine used. The blocks also come in a range of standard shapes.

block making machineblock-machine-machine

Generally, concrete blocks measure 16 inches long by 8 inches wide by 8 inches high, though their actual widths and heights are a quarter-inch less. Concrete blocks are lightweight, durable and fireproof, making them a useful home-building material. Kafum Engineering Services has a reputation of fabricating Block Making Machines of high quality both Manual and Automatic at customer's friendly prices without compromising on quality of the manufactured block making machine. kafum brick making machines are built with high quality steels, and by a high quality experienced team to give them their professional quality finish, they will require very little maintenance. They will require very little training, and all machines come with a instruction manual to help you on your way to producing quality bricks & blocks. when it come to cost We aim to bring your business affordable block making solutions. We supply high quality brick making machines without the high price tag attached. Quality block makers doesn't have to be expensive. Plate type, cabro/paving, Egg Laying or mobile and steel Block molds

plate type block Machineelectric cabro block machine

cabro machine

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Light industries, Nairobi
Tel: 0727 131 184
P.o box 844-00567

Facebook: Kafumengineering

Nerima crystal

P.o box 844-00567

Tel: 0738711073
